Experimental films

    Experimental films

    Buried in Europe

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    Current anthropological anima-doc is focusing on one of the most "vital" and tangible components of the world's cultural heritage – the cemetery architecture.


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    Architecture Awakens! Animated magical realism, l'état naturel!


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    Tsaar Muhha

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    Two Men on Train and Someone Else

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    Peppered with elegiac undertones this farewell story takes us to the world of old men getting ready to say their goodbyes to this world. Each in their own bizarre way. Nothing tragic, but the crossing of the threshold of eternity is still an enigma for all of them – just as is life itself.

    Love Hurts

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    The End

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    It is said that if a man is fading away, he sees his life running quickly in front of his eyes. What does a hundred-year-old film strip see before it gives way to digital vehicles? Does it see broken frames, scratched film stock or something else?

    Tallinn City Symphony

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    Every city can be compared to a symphony orchestra that is performing music without a score. Yet, the seemingly independent urban chaos can open up an enchanting composition when you have to ability to see and hear. “Tallinn City Symphony” is the foreigners (residing here for years) look to our capital city.


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    With a background in experimental film and sculpture, Sophia Bazalgette approaches animation with material and technique at the forefront of her mind, always looking for movement in unexpected places.


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