A richly animated documentary about the extremely popular caricaturist Gori, whose fate in Estonia at the beginning of the last century shows the balance between power and freedom like a mirror. In the Fellini-like world of Gori (1894-1944), farce and drama, mockery and big politics mix. There is no subject that Gori's pen will not mock until the winds turn and mouths are being closed. Power is concentrated in the hands of new dictators. And that power fears nothing more than its own ridiculousness. However, ridiculing the enemy is one of his most effective weapons.
Gori the Caricaturist by Raimo Jõerand is all about talent. About the artist's temptation to waste and share his talent when it is accompanied by applause, and about the obligation to serve his talent even if it leads straight to destruction. Here, documentary narrative and grotesque animation intertwine. The story of a man who drew himself to death.
{"director":"Raimo Jõerand, Meelis Arulepp","year":2023,"duration":4556}